LEADS Staff are Stars

Kudos to Our Talented Staff

People holding their fingers to form a star

LEADS Albany Team

Participants state that training our Albany Team conducts is accurate, informative, and extremely useful. Our sponsor states that the team’s attention to detail and interpersonal skills are key ingredients in their approach.


Our NYC Team is praised for their knowledge, skill, efficiency, and compassion as they support our sponsor in providing Employment, SNAP and Income Support Services.

NYC DSS Trainer, Supervisor, and Managerial Training

Our training facilitators are often thanked for the guidance and information they provide. They are also consistently told that they are appreciated for the motivation to apply the concepts on the job, and for making the training so enjoyable. This is one example of a note from a training participant: “I enjoyed the training. It forced me to challenge myself and explore areas about me and my leadership style that I would not have even considered before.”